Monthly Archives: March 2024

Power BI Tips: Implicit and Explicit Measure

Power BI Tips: What are Implicit and Explicit Measures?

There are two types of measures in Microsoft Power BI models: implicit and explicit. Implicit measures are automatic and summarize column data in visuals.

Explicit measures, also referred to as just measures, are custom calculations you create for your model. Put simply, implicit measures are columns that can be aggregated automatically, while explicit measures are custom calculations defined using DAX, and is THE measure that we are familiar of.

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Tableau to Power BI --- How to Convert If/Else to Dax Switch Function

Tableau to Power BI — How to Convert If/Else to Dax Switch Function

If/esleif/else is one of the the most used functions in Tableau calculation and unfortunately, it can not be applied verbatim in Power BI to achieve the same goal. The equivalent function in Power BI DAX language is the Switch() function and it works especially well on multiple scenarios, it can be used to convert either if/elseif/else statement of possibly case/when query in Tableau.

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