Tag Archives: Data

How to Convert Degree Minute Second (DMS) to Latitude and Longitude in Tableau

Geographic data is often stored in a Degree-Minute-Second (DMS) format, making it a bit tricky to convert into the standard decimal degrees (DD) required for Tableau’s mapping functions. In this post, I’ll walk you through how to transform DMS coordinates to decimal degrees directly in Tableau, step-by-step, so you can plot your geographic data without headaches.

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How to add Current DateTime as New Column to Fabric Lakehouse using Notebook PySpark

In this post, I’ll explain how to add the current date and time to an existing PySpark DataFrame in a Fabric Notebook. This is particularly helpful when inserting data into a Fabric Lakehouse table, as it allows you to track when each record was added. I’ll walk through an example using a DataFrame to first load some sample data and show how to append a new column with the current timestamp to capture the insertion time.

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Slowly Changing Dimensions(SCD) with Microsoft Fabric — What are they and How to Implement

Data warehousing and business intelligence are crucial for modern enterprises, enabling them to make informed decisions based on historical data. One key aspect of data warehousing is handling changing data over time, especially when tracking historical changes in dimensions. This is where Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCD) come into play. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what SCDs are, the different types of SCDs, and how to implement them effectively.

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